IBN Member Business Register

Indigenous Mining Services (IMS), an IBN company, provides Facilities Management and Labour Hire services. Having acquired Customer First Contracting (CFC) IMS have identified a number of tendering opportunities to expand its pipeline of work by increasing the value of the contracts secured from a number of customers, including:

To resource this increasing workload across the Pilbara and Perth, IMS would expect to utilise a range of sub-contractors and have determined there is value in developing an IBN Members Business Register. This will enable IMS to efficiently engage with members and identify opportunities to sub-contract work to their businesses.

An IBN Member can apply to register their business on the Register using the IBN Member Business Register Application Form below.

The following strategies will be adopted by IMS:

  • Promoting the Register: The Register will be displayed on our website and shared with stakeholders to facilitate opportunities for member’s businesses.
  • Share sub-contracting opportunities.

The Register serves as a platform to promote, advertise, and inform Member’s Businesses. As such:

  • IMS do not guarantee to provide sub-contracted work to any registered businesses
  • IMS will not be responsible, to provide support, to members in the negotiation of commercial agreements between registered businesses and their customers or contractors. The responsibility to negotiate such agreements rests solely with the business owner.
  • IMS will not be held liable under any circumstances for any loss or damage whatsoever incurred or suffered by any business listed on the Register or any entity that operates a business that is listed on the Register, including any loss or damage that arises as a result of, or in connection with, a business being listed on the Register.
  • IMS does not accept any liability or responsibility to any third party (e.g. customers) regarding the services provided by a business listed on the Register. Any concerns or disputes related to services should be resolved directly between the business owner and its customers.

IMS will not support or interfere with Registered Businesses in any and all negotiations with their clients or contractors.

IMS has the final authority to determine the eligibility of a business for inclusion on the Register.

Registration on the Register is free of charge, and no ongoing fees are required to remain listed.

If an individual’s IBN membership is revoked, their associated business will be automatically removed from the Register.

All Registered Businesses are expected to act in good faith and maintain appropriate confidentiality regarding discussions and information sharing. This ensures that sensitive or proprietary information remains protected and respects the commercial in-confidence requirements of the involved parties.

If you would like further information, please email Gordon Bryden at ceo@imms.net.au

IBN Member Business Register Application Form

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